View Full Version : Selling war z legend pack account
11-11-2012, 02:41 AM
11-11-2012, 11:31 AM
This user is a scammer!
I bought the account and then when I was asleep he changed back the password and he deleted me!(Skype)
[5:17:06 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: hey
[5:17:08 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Selling that acc?
[5:17:10 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: yeah
[5:17:20 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Ever hacked on it yet?
[5:17:26 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: not yet
[5:17:33 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: SO no bans at all?
[5:17:37 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: no bans
[5:17:45 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: How many characters?
[5:18:01 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: And any good weps in invitory?
[5:18:07 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: many weps
[5:18:10 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Cool
[5:18:12 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: How much?
[5:18:15 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: offer
[5:18:17 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[5:18:24 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: $20?
[5:19:19 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Hello?
[5:19:25 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: yeah
[5:19:27 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: 2 sec
[5:19:35 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: kk
[5:19:54 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: 25 and ull get the acc + a skype crasher
[5:20:00 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Deal.
[5:20:05 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Paypal?
[5:20:08 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: yeah
[5:20:20 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I mean like whats the email.
[5:20:22 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー:
[5:21:45 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Unique Transaction ID # -snip-
[5:22:20 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # -snip-)
Sent to:
Joakim Stokke (The recipient of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified)
Amount sent:
-$25.00 USD
Fee amount:
-$0.13 USD
Net amount:
-$25.13 USD
Nov 10, 2012
23:15:21 GMT-05:00
You have sent $25.00 USD to Joakim Stokke with PayPal
Funding Type:
PayPal Balance
Funding Source:
$25.13 USD - PayPal Account
[5:22:56 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: 2 sec
[5:22:58 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: k
[5:23:01 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: checking that u actually sent it
[5:23:04 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: kk
[5:24:09 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: You checked?
[5:24:36 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: checking now
[5:24:51 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: k
[5:25:05 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: what do u want the password to be?
[5:25:14 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: -snip-
[5:25:18 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: k
[5:25:27 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Could you also transfer email?
[5:25:37 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: yeah
[5:25:49 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: do it to kilacow@gmail.ocm
[5:25:52 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: oh
[5:26:01 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: idk if i can do that :/
[5:26:19 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: try? xD
[5:29:24 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: ANyways, just give meh the login details :P
[5:30:50 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: ijwad
[5:30:55 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: i messed up a lil
[5:30:57 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: 2 sec
[5:31:00 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: k
[5:32:26 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー:
[5:32:29 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: -snip-
[5:32:32 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: kk
[5:32:38 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: couldnt change the e mail
[5:34:14 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Sick man!
[5:34:17 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: thanks!
[5:34:36 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: : P
[5:34:42 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: no problem
[5:35:05 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Aimbot = On xD
[5:35:12 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: lol
[5:39:58 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: i have a internet crasher if ur interested ^^
[5:40:08 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: built in skype resolver
[5:42:08 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: okay
[5:42:15 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: HOLY FUCKING SHIT
[5:42:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
[5:42:23 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: no
[5:42:26 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: GAY ASS BANDITS
[5:42:30 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: lol
[5:42:38 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: what happened?
[5:42:40 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: FUCKIGN FUCK
[5:43:15 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I was hiding behing a tree and I saw him in my sep, but my esp said he was behind a tree, apparently he wasent,
[5:43:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: esp*
[5:43:32 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: dont worry, u have loads of guns xD
[5:43:37 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: ...
[5:43:40 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: ON what?
[5:43:49 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I was killed.
[5:43:56 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: global inventory
[5:43:59 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[5:44:03 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Ill looki :P
[5:44:34 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Wait, how do I access it?
[5:44:50 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: make a new char
[5:44:55 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: NEVER FUCKING MIND XD
[5:44:57 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: click inventory
[5:44:58 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: xD
[5:45:00 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: SO MANY FUCKING GUNS XD
[5:45:05 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: : P
[5:45:11 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Okay, one at a time.
[5:45:17 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Don't want to waste it.
[5:46:41 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: How did you get so many?
[5:46:53 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: i have played since day 1
[5:46:58 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Damn.
[5:47:02 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: day 1 of the alpha
[5:47:10 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Whats the best place to find weps?
[5:47:23 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Ima give my other acc to my cousin. :P
[5:47:30 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: : P
[5:48:06 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Fucking crashes.
[5:50:29 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: also
[5:50:34 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: is level 2 worth it?
[5:50:38 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: or is it patched?
[5:50:44 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: idk
[5:50:50 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: the speed hack is patched
[5:50:56 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: noclip?
[5:51:06 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: undetected so far
[5:51:18 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: SWEET! :D
[5:51:28 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Thats the only reason I want it
[5:53:03 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u wanted the internet crasher?
[5:58:04 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Yup! :D
[5:58:19 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: offer? : P
[5:58:30 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[5:59:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: BRO
[5:59:23 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: look
[5:59:24 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: at
[5:59:27 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: ?
[5:59:28 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: the payment
[5:59:29 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: s
[5:59:30 AM] Gage Onhackfourms:
[5:59:32 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: xD
[5:59:40 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: 2,000 xD
[5:59:49 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: ...
[6:03:48 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: offer for the internet crasher?
[6:04:09 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[6:04:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: How much are yoou looking around?
[6:05:03 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: around 20-30 ?
[6:06:14 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: or
[6:06:21 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: depends on how good u want it to be
[6:07:25 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Is it DDoS?
[6:08:05 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: 25 and ull get the acc + a skype crasher
[6:08:17 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: (clap)
[6:08:27 AM] *** IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー sent Skypetool.exe ***
[6:08:29 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: : P
[6:10:08 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: interested in bf3 ?
[6:10:52 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Yea
[6:11:03 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: but it won't run on my pc
[6:11:24 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u could sell it for more then u bought it for xD
[6:11:31 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: true
[6:13:50 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u have steam?
[6:14:06 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: yup
[6:14:38 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: my name is
[6:14:40 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Freedom is my game
[6:16:18 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: BF3 and the internet crasher costs 95 but u can have it for 50 ^^
[6:16:34 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: and ill give u a clever steam auto reply bot
[6:17:31 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[6:17:39 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I have the steam bot
[6:17:42 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: From HF
[6:17:45 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: : P
[6:18:33 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: ill lower it to 45 then
[6:24:32 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u there?
[6:29:32 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: yea sorry
[6:29:38 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: its k
[6:31:58 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: its worth 95 and u can have it for 40 : P
[6:32:07 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[6:32:25 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I can get bf3 for $30 on origin.
[6:33:23 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u can have bf3 and the internet crasher for 35 then
[6:33:34 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: hmm
[6:33:36 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Ill think
[6:33:44 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: trying to get C++ lessons.
[6:34:04 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: i dont need c++ lessons for the internet crasher..
[6:34:08 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u*
[6:34:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: I want to code C++
[6:35:08 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u have tm master?
[6:35:40 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: yea
[6:35:43 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: k
[6:40:37 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: bf3 costs 30 and the crasher costs 40 but u can have it for 40
[6:44:51 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Where can I get some fucking ammo?
[6:45:02 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: idk
[6:45:04 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: its rare
[6:46:21 AM] Gage Onhackfourms: Shittt
[6:46:26 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: ?
[7:48:03 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: u still there?
[8:37:20 AM] IgReZy™ ۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩ ︻デ┳═ー: what would u offer for a steam acc with black ops, mw2, mw3, cod5, cs: go, mow, mow:as and sniper elite v2 ?
At that point, I was asleep.
When I woke up the next morning:
Hope he gets banned, I cant dispute it was sent as a gift.
11-11-2012, 11:40 AM
11-11-2012, 11:43 AM
This person scammed me on this deal.
I bought it and when I went to sleep he changed back the password.
11-11-2012, 11:44 AM
This user is a scammer!
I bought the account and then when I was asleep he changed back the password and he deleted me!(Skype)
When I woke up the next morning:
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