View Full Version : WarZ Weapons & Gear Combo Packages For Sale! SNIPERS & ALL!!!!! $5 FOR PACKAGE
11-14-2012, 07:55 AM
Hey everyone, Selling complete setup packages for WarZ.
Packages also include future ammo + food/pill restock FOR FREE AS I GET THEM AVAILABLE! So buy a package once and ill give you ammo weekly! FREE!
$5 Assault Package
- Assault Weapon + Ammo
- Armor (Kevlar + Helmet)
- Pistol + Ammo
- Food & Antibiotics/Painkillers/Bandages
- Large Backpack
$8 Sniper Package
- Sniper Rifle + Ammo
- Asssault Weapon + Ammo
- Pistol + Ammo
- Armor (Kevlar + Helmet)
- Food & Antibiotics/Painkillers/Bandages
- Large Backpack
I also have RARE weapons for sale!!! Will include with a package for discount price!
- Honey Badger Assault Rifle. YES, ITS CALLED "THE HONEY BADGER"
- Hatchet & Pickaxe
- Blaser R93 Sniper + Ammo
- M107 Sniper + Ammo
- Mauser SP66 Sniper + Ammo + Scope
- AW Magnum Sniper + Ammo
- Silencers
- Scopes
- Foregrips
- Tar-21
- G36
- FN Scar CQC
- UZI/Sig/MP5-10/AKMs/M16s/Shotguns/Pistols
Contact me on this thread or at
Skype = Max.Pellegrino
11-14-2012, 08:02 AM
Hey I want to buy your stuff.
11-14-2012, 02:52 PM
Hey I want to buy your stuff.
Of course! Send me a PM or check out my original post above to reach me via skype!
11-14-2012, 04:38 PM
prices are a tad bit high, not?
11-14-2012, 05:06 PM
prices are a tad bit high, not?
Well a lot of people still charge a minimum of $5. Plus i also throw in a lot of others items for free which i dont list. Most packages come with atleast 2-4 guns, whole bunch of ammo and other things. A complete survivalist kit pretty much.
11-14-2012, 05:09 PM
NOTICE**** Someone just attempted to scam me. His Skype is Lars | BLaCKHawK & His ingame character name is YELLOWEYE. Hes from Germany.
He insisted that i give him items first before him paying, then he finally said something about his friend paying me then to trade him items. We met in game and he says "My friend just paid, now give me the items quick"
I check my paypal, no money, I tell him, He says that his friend must have did it wrong.
I asked him to give me a screen shot of the verification from paypal or his friends email so i can request a payment.
I call him out for scamming, he logs out of game and skype.
11-14-2012, 05:12 PM
Heya mate! Great store you have, but in 15 days, all the items you have sold will be wiped, so if i we're you, I would wait till later, but goodluck!
11-14-2012, 05:34 PM
Heya mate! Great store you have, but in 15 days, all the items you have sold will be wiped, so if i we're you, I would wait till later, but goodluck!
Ahhh i wasnt aware of that, Looks like ill offer some specials now if anyone still wants to buy! And ill re-open full force after i stock back up!!
I would never pay $5 for this, because there will be a loot wipe soon.
If I was you, I would have sold them for minimal prices, because you will lose the items anyways
11-14-2012, 05:57 PM
I would never pay $5 for this, because there will be a loot wipe soon.
If I was you, I would have sold them for minimal prices, because you will lose the items anyways
Are you the one who tried to scam me earlier? The person who added me on Skype his name was Lars! If not, my apologies. I wasnt aware of the wipe. I will keep these prices for AFTER wipe. For now, Ill sell everything at half price.
11-14-2012, 07:09 PM
Just sold to Marco007. Great Buyer, paid first in full and met ingame to trade promptly.
Gave him UZI + Clip, AKM + 2 Clips, Jericho + 2 Clips, M16 CMAG + Clip, AA12 + Clips, Helmet, AND Accessories for $3
11-14-2012, 07:56 PM
Well a lot of people still charge a minimum of $5. Plus i also throw in a lot of others items for free which i dont list. Most packages come with atleast 2-4 guns, whole bunch of ammo and other things. A complete survivalist kit pretty much.
Yes I don't charge a minimum of 5$, and everyone throws in free items as goodie/freebies
take a look at my shop and tell me again you're not expensive.
11-14-2012, 08:01 PM
Yes I don't charge a minimum of 5$, and everyone throws in free items as goodie/freebies
take a look at my shop and tell me again you're not expensive.
I don't consider my stuff expensive. I'm Sorry. I provide a great service, and will always take care of my customers to buy from me. They will know that my packages are worth it after making deals with me.
I also dont respect you sitting in my thread telling me what i should be doing or bashing my sell thread. Do you see me sitting in yours saying that your service is bad? No, so please dont ever comment in here again.
11-14-2012, 08:55 PM
*** SALE #2 ***
- M107 + 2 Clips
- M4 + CMAG
- AKM + 5 Clips
- Sig + 2 Clips
- M16 + CMAG
Thank you!
11-14-2012, 09:42 PM
*** SALE #3 ***
- Mauser SP66 w/ Scope
- Honey Badger
Thank you!
Are you the one who tried to scam me earlier? The person who added me on Skype his name was Lars! If not, my apologies. I wasnt aware of the wipe. I will keep these prices for AFTER wipe. For now, Ill sell everything at half price.
No, I'm not the person who scammed you, lol.
I would never buy warm items because I'm in a group with good enough weapons and items
11-15-2012, 02:30 PM
alrighty, sorry for the false accusation :D
11-15-2012, 04:29 PM
**** Sale #4 ****
- M107 + Ammo
- Mauser SP66 + Ammo
- Ruck, MTV Armor, Helmet
- Sig Pistol + Ammo
- 2 M16s + Ammo
- AKM + Ammo
- M4 + Ammo
- Tactical Knife
- Pickaxe
Thank you Thank you!!
11-15-2012, 06:14 PM
*** SALE #5 ***
- AW Magnum + 2 Clips
- FN Scar CQC + 2 CMAGS
Thank You
11-15-2012, 07:01 PM
I'l sell 1 dallor for full setups
11-15-2012, 11:34 PM
Still have some snipers to sell. None of my items are Duped!
11-16-2012, 01:33 AM
*** SALE #6 ***
- VSS Sniper + 3 Ammo Clips
- Armor, Helmet, Backpack
- AA12 Shotgun + Ammo
- Jerico + Ammo
- M16 + Ammo
- MRE x4
- Medkit x5
Thank you!
11-16-2012, 07:15 AM
Still have some snipers to sell. None of my items are Duped!
yeaaa biggest fucking bullshit if every package comes with a helmet retard.
way to tell every1 who to hunt too...I'm sure everyone likes you telling the forums what they bought
Also, why don't you actually put the prices here? are you randomly just throwing em up or down? whats up with that?
11-16-2012, 07:25 AM
Wow, I didnt even see this thread. Drazah, thats really messed up that your posting people's ingame name. I actually just recognized someone I play with occasionally on here by one of the nicks.
11-16-2012, 07:49 PM
yeaaa biggest fucking bullshit if every package comes with a helmet retard.
way to tell every1 who to hunt too...I'm sure everyone likes you telling the forums what they bought
Also, why don't you actually put the prices here? are you randomly just throwing em up or down? whats up with that?
Who let the chump back in my thread? Why are you still here, I told you not to come back here, all you fucking do is start flaming in MY thread. Ill get a mod in here.
And im not telling anyone to hunt anyone, You run your thread the way you want, ill do mine. If you have a problem. DEAL WITH IT.
11-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Our/My problem is your outting people who are on this site who may want to remain anon. I've run into Buck Fuffalo before in the warz forums and in game. Had no idea he was on TM, and now you just outted him. And I am dealing with the problem by telling you thats messed up.
11-16-2012, 09:03 PM
Our/My problem is your outting people who are on this site who may want to remain anon. I've run into Buck Fuffalo before in the warz forums and in game. Had no idea he was on TM, and now you just outted him. And I am dealing with the problem by telling you thats messed up.
This right here...
and you think everyoen should have stayed out of hitler's business? huh? let him lead the country the way he want? fuckno
if you are doing something wrong on this forum you will get called upon it. This isnt "your" are on a forum where you have to respect the wishies of people wanting to remain anonymous.
11-16-2012, 10:39 PM
You two are complete morons. First of all, this is a hacking forum. Who says this is an anon forum? Its NOT. I am not outting anyone, Never had i said Buck Fuffalo was apart of TM Cheats, Never had i said any of my transactions was anyone from this website, Not one of them asked me for them to remain anon. If they wanted to remain anon, they wouldnt be doing trades on main toons and main skypes, Me giving names out does nothing, You can't look them up, you cant find out where they play, You are just looking for 1 thing to cry over in my thread and just go with it. You guys are YET AGAIN being presumptuous thinking you know whats going on when you don't.
If this is really all you have to cry about on my thread... lol then gtfo because you two are just making yourselves look bad.
I've said it once, ill say it again. If your just gonna cry on my thread because you are pissed im selling stuff, just GTFO
Oh, and btw Levvyy. This is the 4th time ME calling you out on doing something wrong and you have yet to fix the problem. Practice what you preach, kid.
11-17-2012, 02:31 AM
Hey Drazah!
I suggest that instead of typing People's in-game name, then just type their forum name since there is a possibility that the warz developers and regular members of the community is looking around on here. It's for our own safety and yours aswell. :)
11-17-2012, 03:34 AM
All this arguing in this thread is senseless and could possibly damage your rep. However, I also agree that you should leave people's names out of your posts. I think it might even be against the rules and if not, it should be. If people want to vouch for your services, they can do so themselves. Too much risk involved in throwing people's identity around. Anyways, good luck!
11-17-2012, 05:32 AM
Levvyy, please stop bashing his thread. Drazah, please do not say people's in-game names and remove them from previous posts.
11-17-2012, 03:44 PM
Hey Drazah!
I suggest that instead of typing People's in-game name, then just type their forum name since there is a possibility that the warz developers and regular members of the community is looking around on here. It's for our own safety and yours aswell. :)
Levvyy, please stop bashing his thread. Drazah, please do not say people's in-game names and remove them from previous posts.
Will do, this is all that needed to be said.
11-17-2012, 03:47 PM
I will also be making a new thread come after wipe, and will possibly be opening up a website.
11-17-2012, 04:09 PM
Another great sale to a returning customer, thank you!
11-18-2012, 12:08 AM
Just had a huge sale which nearly cleared my inventory!
11-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Looking for 2x M107 + 4 mags
P.S how do you restock so fast?
11-19-2012, 02:19 AM
Had a lot of good sales tonight, Love seeing repeat customers and new ones!
11-20-2012, 03:39 PM
Getting rid of my global inventory before wipe. Snipers cheap!
11-21-2012, 09:13 PM
Another great sale to repeat customer!
Unloading my WHOLE inventory for $20! Skype me for more details
11-24-2012, 10:28 PM
Have offers for my global inventory! $10!
11-25-2012, 04:21 PM
I saw you in-game Drazah :O and killed you, lawlz
11-26-2012, 12:28 AM
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