View Full Version : Battlefield 3 Hack

11-15-2012, 06:02 PM

I am interested in purchasing Battlefield 3 Hack and have some questions.

1. Does hack comes with Vehicle Aimbot (Tank, AA, Heli etc...)
2. How accurate is aimbot? Will it be capable of shooting down the chopper and jet pilots?
3. Does aimbot locks on vehicles with RPG and other weapons?
4. What is your detection rate and when was your last detection?

Looking forward for your responses and becoming a VIP user.

Thank you.

11-15-2012, 06:32 PM

1. The vehicle aimbot does not work for all vehicles at the moment
2. We have a Magic Bullets feature which allows you to shoot ppl out of jets and helis
3. Locking on tanks etc will work but aiming at jets etc is a bit buggy^^
4. Our last detection was in spring of this year
