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  1. #1

    BFBC2 & BF3 & PSC


    When was the last BC2 and when the last BF3 detection?

    And when will it be possible to pay with Paysafecard? I know, that you cant tell me the exact date, but in 2 month or 6month?
    A guesstimate would be great!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    BC2 has not been detected for ages but has troubles working properly at this time.
    BF3 has not been detected in over 13 months.

    Not possible to even guestimate on PSC availability. It may never be available for what we know at this time.

  3. #3
    The detection has been months since anyone has been caught. If anyone get's banned using these hacks it's because they rage to hard.



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