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Thread: bf3

  1. #1


    ok im just wondering if i do use the hack and do it safe will i ever get cought i have hacked on combat arms for the last 4 years on my same account if so im so going to buy the master and what all do i need am i auto protected? from ss thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    The BF3 hack has been undetected for over 13 months now. It does not mean that we're sure that it will be safe forever, but with the franchise going to BF4 and thinking only about that objective, I would venture that it is not going to be detected anymore. Do not take my word for it though. Cheating is never safe.

  3. #3
    thanks i love yalls ps2 hacks and i have herd so many good things about bf3 so i think im going to get the master thanks for the fast reply



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