I am mainly a Skype seller, but saw this forum and decided I would help promote my sales here.

What I have to offer:

Selling GC for half-off normal price. (Must buy in increments of 9,600 GC)

Ex. 19,200 GC = $60 (Normal price would be $120.)

What makes me different?

Unlike 90% of all other GC sellers, my GC is obtained 100% legally meaning I did not hack, dupe, or steal any of the GC you are going to receive. This means you have a 0% chance of getting you account banned, or your global inventory reset any time in the future. You account will not be a used account. It will be brand new, and have a custom password you will set. I have a 100% guarantee that your account will not be logged into as you will also have the password to the email that is locked onto the account.

*I can get any amount of GC within a 24-hour period.

If you happen to be interested, contact me on Skype.

King's Inventory or rk92505
(Same account, either search will work.)