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  1. #1

    Regarding BF3 Hack and AV

    Ok I recently went to FPSch to purchase their BF3 and after much configuration, I was told to do a clean uninstall of my McAfee Security Centre which I wasn't really comfortable about. Even after I uninstalled, I was told that users from Singapore can't use their hack due to our ISP doing "something weird" to their proxy or programme connectivity. Lucikly I was given a refund.

    1) So I would want to ask if TMcheats would require me to uninstall any Anti Virus programme on my desktop?

    2) Would the hack work if I'm from Singapore?

    3) In the event of the hack not working for me, would I get a refund?

    Thanks alot for your help

  2. #2
    .: The Admin :. Tom M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    We will never recommend you to uninstall your antivirus, you will have to add an exception for the streamer in your firewall though. The hack should work fine in Singapore, in fact we have several subscribers from there. Yes, you will get a refund if we are unable to fix any problems you have.



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