hi i have now played whit you guys hack (rage hacking) and i would just like to thank you guys for making such a good hack like i ave played whit the hack in 3 days on a stolen key and still no global ban! like i have been tp'ing all around the taviana and lingor (thats the map i play most) spawning weapon everytime i respawn, spawn all x10 just so i can make a huge explosion whitout having to look for the satchel charge really the best hack in not getting caught i have ever used theres just the downside that you cant use menu'slike i know you deleted it cuz 99% was detected but its our own fault if we get banned after no time when using menu's we can just play the hack normally i personally think you should bring back the scripts tab cuz if we get banned while using menu's then its our fault for using a menu!