In order to do this you need a legit account that you don't hack on and lots of email addresses.

1. first buy a lock box on your legit account and place it down at the base of goblin peak near campos.
2. log in to your trial account on a separate email and just go back and forth from campos to lock box and get hella loot and you get to keep all the loot because they cant ban a legit lockbox. make sure to use tmstreamer when doing this because you don't want to die with all that loot! put on esp so u can see everybody and all items.
3. and if your worried about getting banned don't worry because you can ragehack as much as u want for at least 1 day and that's plenty of time to get loot to ur lockbox. plus you got unlimited trial accounts u can make as much trial accounts as you want just keep using different emails.

srry if this was hard to understand i am drunk right now so bare with me hope u enjoy this guide as much as i have happy looting!!!!!!