Hello, here is my shop, some rules and price you can check.
Someone has asked like: Did you use any cheat stuffs to get the item what you are selling? . Answer: No.
I am working on my clan, and I found here has a market, so I sell stuffs here.
Any stuffs from my shop is white and safe. They won't make you account get banned.
So do not to try to say, if there is someone sells a real cheaper price than me.
Real cheap!
Some Rules :
1. Trading well be at Blue ridge.
2. I will give you the stuffs after I got the payment ( It can't be negotiated.)
3. I only accept the Paypal, and I will not pay the service fee (if you choose the "I'm paying for goods or services").
4. Huge trading will come with some gifts.
5. All the trade and chat will be screenshoted.
6. The minimum purchase should be 10$.
7. I can refuse any trade before you pay it.
8. All guns would be empty and 100% new.
You can PM me or Add my Skype (leave message) : micyahu
Lockerbox is just $2.5 each.
Assault Rifles
M4 : 0.3$
M4Semi : 0.3$
M16 : 0.2$
Masada : 0.45$
FnScarCqc : 0.5$
Imi-Tar21 : 0.6$
Sig Sauer556 : 0.8$
Fn Scar Night Stalker : 0.7$ (Best AR in the Game)
Ak-74M : 0.3$
AKM : 0.3$
G36 : 0.5$
Honey Badger (Best weapon for TMC aimbot) : 0.6$
M249 = 1$
Rpk-74 = 1$
RaH23 = 2$
Nail gun = 0.5$
P90S = 0.5$
Mp7 0.3$
FnP90 0.3$
Aks74u 0.4$
Veresk sr-2 0.4$
Evo-3 0.5$
MOSSBERG 590 : 0.2$
Saiga : 0.3$
AA-12 : 0.5$
Sniper rifles:
M107 : 2$
AW Magnum : 2.2$
VSS Vintorez : 2.2$
Blaser R93 : 1.8$
Mauser SRG Desert : 1.5$
Mauser SP66 : 1.4$
SVD : 0.9$
.308 Winchester/ .338 AWM ammo : 0.3$ (28$ = 100 )
Vss-20 ammo: 0.5$ (45$=100)
C-mag: 0.25 $ (22$=100 )
.50 bmg for M107 : 0.18$ (15$ =100)
You also can reserve any ammo, just let me know.
Gamespot : 7$
Santa's sack : 1$
Chrismas spécial : 1$
Captain jack frost : 1$
Jokoto katana : 1$
Wakizachi : 1$
[B]AirHorn (ONLY 1 LEFT): 10$ {sold out}
M9 Helmet's : 0.1$
Light Gear forest : 0.1$
MTV / IBA SAND : 0.3$
Custom Guerilla : 0.4$
NVG Googgles : 0.3$
K.Style Helmet : 0.4$
All pistols for 0.2$
Package and others:
Medium Backapack : 0.15$
Large Backpack : 0.2$
Alice Rucksack : 0.35$
Military ruck : 0.4$
Binocularus: 0.1$
Frag Grenade: 0.1$
Roit Shield: 10x = 0.6$ (5.5$= 100)
Wood Shield: 10x =0.55$ (5$=100)
Dxs: 10 DXs = 0.9$ (8$=100)
Medkit: 0.2$
Anti: 10 Anti= 0.6$ (5$=100)
PainKiller: 10 PK=0.2$ (1.5$ =100)
Forward Grip: 0.15$
Compact Scope: 0.1$
Swiss Scope: 0.1$
Blackwater Scope: 0.1$
Silencer: 0.4$
Just let me know what you need and the amount.
You even can reserve any stuffs, and pay 20%. I will give you the stuffs in 2 days. (should check the rule #7).
If you get a successful trade, please do a positive rep, please.
Thanks guys, good luck and have fun.
Everyday Super Sale:
Dec 10th: 50x M4A + 50 C-mag = 20${sold out}
Dec 11th: 200 vss-20 = 68$ {sold out}
Dec 12th: 30x Blaser R93 = 32$ {sold out}
Dec 13th: 50x M4A + 50 C-mag = 20$ ( Real good for TMC )
Dec 14th: 30x Scar CQC = 12$
Shop reopen now!!.![]()