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  1. #1

    BF3 hack purchase mistake

    Hey, i just bought the 30 day subscription but i accidently chose the recurring one. Is there anyway u can change that? or like i read in your post that if i cancel it it wont charge me anymore. So this is my question, if i cancel that profile now in my paypal account will it cancel my subscription entirely or will i have this month before it stops.

  2. #2
    .: The Admin :. Tom M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You can cancel it in paypal, it will not effect your current sub.

  3. #3
    how do you know which one is the reoccuring one? thanks

  4. #4
    .: The Admin :. Tom M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    The one with the asterisk * is a recurring sub, anyway its possible to cancel recurring subscriptions through paypal.



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