I'm playing since the news from TOM like 24/7 and STILL, NEVER CRASHED 1 time. Never get disconnected by Battleye either. So far so good. I Just Recomend. Use and Abuse. Farmed 2 M4A1, lots of Salines, i just became a Assassin, i'm killing fools that havent our FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE, and damn, it's GOOD !!!

Doing exactly what TOM said to use the hack, Open DayZ Standalone, wait for load and when it's on Menu Screen, ALT + TAB, Open ur streammer, log in, select the Dayz Standalone hack, set to 10 up to 20 that's on you, and LOAD.
Wait the time you have set up and enjoy.

Good Job TOM and the Moderators for the support provide, AWESOME WORK !!! HELL YEAH !!!

PS: I'm just so fking happy damn !!!