Hello All,
I am new to this community and just bought H1Z1 cheats yesterday. I have never hacked before and H1Z1 was a very boring game for me, the wipes and hackers was just annoying... I have been an Admin and Server Hoster on A2 Dayz Overpoch for a while now and hated hackers! Im not the hacker that Tp's around or install kill/ninjas people. I just use it for ESP and saving myself against other hackers. Aside the fact these cheats were super easy to set up and really easy to configure. There is so many options to choose from its insane! For $20 these are the best hacks for H1Z1, not to mention TMC Keeps up-to-date all day for H1Z1 and works so fast! The owner of the server i am now admin on recommended me here as i believe he has been here a while now, he goes by Gr8. Anywase cya guys around and thanks for the best hacks out there! Keep up the good work TMC!