Heading says it all,it said contact the seller TM and check if there is any other way to pay?
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Heading says it all,it said contact the seller TM and check if there is any other way to pay?
Sorry,it was a problem with my PP account,will be sorted during the day,spoke to PP after I try to order.
will be back soon.
Saw in a sticky thatafter I have paid my subsription,I need to send you the details on a pm,how longe will it take befor I can download the stuff.
If you purchase a subscription through the payments page, your account will get upgraded automatically.
have funds in my PP account,tried to buy the 6 months supsription from your tm site,logged in to my pp account ,problem is the same,contact the vendor if you want more information???
I have tried the bf3 6months and 3 months option same thing
Last edited by buster88; 09-15-2012 at 04:15 PM.
Try a non-recurring option, if that doesnt work you will have to do a manual payment. PM me for the details.
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