I was able to play H1Z1 +TMC MORE THEN 200 hour. Without getting Banned
to be clear, i start to use TMC Since the last wipe, I used ESP & Aimbot.
With the power of TMC, I own A large area in one of the servers, and i have a badass base withe good shit Inside

i was attacked by Group of 16 playrs, yas 16 facking pepole Surround my base, They were trying to raid my base

In this case, I activate the high risk mod, Speed, teleport on High,,
and i start to defend my base, everytime thy Destro the metal gate, I Replace new metal gate fast as fack,,everytime i got killd , i cam back fast as fack. and i teleport in my base to fex the damage thing,,,,

After they used more than 300 IED and 400 Ethn,,,,THE raid Fail,,THEy fall back, ALL OF THEM ,,,

I did not expect to defense my base lik this, I lost hope Once i saw the Number of Players...

after two hours i got Banned,,,The reason way is clear...but the Banned is Worth,,as long as I Succeed defense my base.

mY base is safe Because I own through a second account,,,,

TMC Your first line of defense!