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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Just want to say I am one happy customer and I feel like I will continue to be.


    Interface: 5

    SOoOO easy to use, it's amazing, like I downloaded it and used it in minutes of purchasing, it was great and very user friendly. Everything is explained and there is plenty of help around the forums for it if you need it.

    Functionality: 5

    This shit is CRASEY! i never thought i would swim across the map looting cities in seconds and then helping my 2 buddies raid a whole apartment building loaded with bandits, its just so raw and sneaky. The noclip is beautiful and if used right can be really really fun. The ESP is also on point, very accurate and very good.

    Mechanics 4:

    Well we all know the server goes down from time to time but shit listen it's in alpa and still the ONE or TWO guys who are doing these hacks have their own life/schedule and they still manage to work and patch for these stupid war z updates. It sucks that sometimes its down during peak hours but oh well sometimes it's good to play without hacks!!

    I just want to say i am really glad I bought this and like I said fully support TMCHEATs, these guys rock, if you got banned or somethin obviously your an idiot and used it to much or too obviously. But ye I am very satisfied woo woo WE TRIPPY MAYNE!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thank you for your review, we actually upgraded all our servers so there shouldn't be any more down time.



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