been playing this toon since beta im a one toon per game guy so its a lvl80 guardian, weapons: TAscepter/TA focus and RARE: Ghastly grinning shield/TA mace. armor: did have full karma exotic +power+tough+vit ive kept those stats but in the process of getting full CoF gear just to make him look a little better. I'm well known on the server for WvWvW, the toons pretty much *tank* spec can take a beating and still survive as well as keeping your team/guildies alive, has 100% map completion almost 2k achiev points,storyline completed with use of the storyline rare token for the greatsword skin.
the toon can be changed into a dps spec easy just change the traits because the jewelry i use makes up for the dmg while using greatsword can pull 10k crits with boons

if youre interested my skype is goats.hoes11 im always on